Let's Celebrate The Newest
U.S. Holiday Together!
On June 18, 2021, Phoenix Major Kate Gallego proclaimed Saturday, June 19, 2021, as "Juneteenth" in Phoenix. On June 17, 2021, President Biden signed a new law making Juneteenth a federal holiday. On February 2, 2022, Phoenix unanimously approved Juneteenth as an official city holiday. Most city and federal employees will have it as a paid day off. Juneteenth 2024 will be celebrated in Phoenix at Eastlake Park on Saturday, June 15. The holiday will be observed Wednesday, June 19.
5-6:30pm SRP Indoor Stage: Juneteenth History, Dignitaries, Scholarship Awards
5-7pm COX Outdoor Stage:
Music by DJ Rampage
7-10pm COX Outdoor Stage:
Live Entertainment by School of Hip Hop and more

Valley of the Sun Juneteenth Celebration

About Us
Valley of the Sun Juneteenth Celebration is committed to the preservation of the historic contributions of African Americans by promoting and cultivating knowledge and appreciation of Black history and culture. Valley of the Sun Juneteenth Celebration was formed in 2005 after the historic event was moved to February by the City of Phoenix. The VOS Juneteenth Committee returned the event to its original month to maintain the history of the celebration.
The VOSJ event was celebrated for nine years at South Mountain Community College until it returned to Eastlake Park in 2014, during the park's 100th anniversary.
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